We are happy to welcome you to the Budapest Semesters in Mathematics. On this page you find a lot of useful information, including the schedule of the coming days. Please study this material carefully.


You are cordially invited to our

orientation session

held in our school building,

on June 13th   (Friday) 3:30 PM

street address: Bethlen Gábor tér 2, Room 110 (may change), and to the

welcome party at 4:30 PM,
in Room 220 (may change)

Please note that your participation in the orientation session is absolutely necessary!

During the orientation session we'll briefly cover all basic information regarding your everyday and academic life concerning the upcoming semester, while at the welcome party you will have a chance to meet your professors for the first time and discuss details of the forthcoming classes, ask questions.
As the room may change the last minute, please look for the signs inside the Bethlen tér building

Courses will start in the same building on June 16th (Monday) morning at 10 o'clock.

Academic Calendar

First day of classes June 16 (Mo)
Last day of classes August 8 (Fr)
Final exams August 7-8 (Th-Fr)
Transcripts (drafts) handed out August 9 (Sa)

Course Offerings

From our usual course selection, we offer four full courses plus the research option(s) in the summer. These are

  1. the introductory level Abstract Algebra
  2. a Conjecture and Proof/ Mathematical Problem Solving course (the level of the course will be set according to the background of the audience)
  3. an advanced analysis: our Real Functions and Measures course
  4. a combinatorics course: CO1/ CO2 (its level will be set according to the background of the audience)
  5. an undergraduate research course. Click here for the course description and problems offered for this summer. Contact Agnes Szilard at szilard@renyi.hu if you have a question or the professor offering the problem directly.


Since we adjust to the level of the audience, the sillaby of these courses are somewhat temporary and may change during the first weeks of the semester.

In the fall and spring semesters of the program, the first three weeks we have a "free shopping period", when students can sit in as many classes as they wish and decide what to register for by the end of the third week. This clearly would not work with an eight week long semester and therefore, you will need to decide which courses you want to enroll to in advance.

Each course, except the research one, has 8 contact hours (four meeting times) per week, we strongly discourage taking more than 2 courses (i.e., a typical course load should be either two normal courses or a normal course plus a research option).

The Elective Undergraduate Research course is designed for very advanced students. It gives them the opportunity to try their hands on research within a small group setting (or individually) under the guidance of a professor. Sample problems that they can work on are listed at the end of the syllabus. NOTE: those interested in doing EUR will meet with their professors at the Welcome party, where they should arrange for the weekly meeting times. Please, be aware that your EUR course may not be offered afterall! (See the course description for more details.)

Here is an example of problems that were offered in the Spring The list of problems offered may change for the summer! Please, contact Agnes Szilard at szilard@renyi.hu if you are interested in doing research.

Of the ones listed, we assume one or two of the research topics will be offered eventually — depending on your interests. In order to help you (and the professors) make a proper choice, each research topic carries an exam sheet (with one or more exercises) which serve as a kind of entrance exam for the actual problem. Only those will be admitted to work on a problem who are judged by the professors to have made a significant progress by the end of the first week of the semester, and therefore are predicted to be able to complete the course in good standing.

Finally, there will be a series of extra talks on Hungarian language, Hungarian culture as well as Colloquium Lectures on various branches of mathematics. We will also offer "outside" organized activities (e.g. off the beaten track walks of Budapest etc). Watch for announcements on the calendar at www.bsmath.hu! The extra talks and events will (almost) always be scheduled on Wednesdays and Thursdays at or around 2.p.m.
