We are happy to welcome you to the Budapest Semesters in Mathematics. On this page you find a lot of useful information, including the schedule of the coming days. Please study this material carefully.


You are cordially invited to our

academic orientation session

held in our school building,

on February 5th   (Friday) 3:30pm

street address: Bethlen Gábor tér 2, Room 102 (LOOK FOR THE SIGNS), and to the

welcome party at 5 PM,
in Room 224 (may change)

Please note that your participation in the orientation session is absolutely necessary!

During the academic orientation session we cover all basic information regarding your academic life during the next semester, while at the Welcome Party you will have a chance to meet your professors for the first time and discuss details of the forthcoming classes, or simply ask questions.
As the room may change the last minute, please look for the signs inside the Bethlen tér building

Courses will start in the same building on Monday, February 8th at 10:15.

The (brief) calendar of the semester is as follows:

Pre semester important dates

The (brief) calendar of the semester is as follows:

Pre semester important dates

January 21st (Thu), 2:30 pm Pre-orientation for those who are already in Budapest, BSM (Bethlen Gábor tér 2.)
February 1st (Mon), Pre-registration data is due (see above)
February 5th (Fri), 3pm Hungarian language course ends.
February 5th (Fri), Noon Make-up Pre-orientation I.: downtown walk for those who do not participate in the language course.
February 5th (Fri), 1:30pm Make-up Pre-orientation II.: at BSM (Bethlen Gabor Square 2)
(BSM administrative issues and "Dealing with Hungarians - what to expect?" ( A cultural talk for those who do not participate in the language course.)

Spring 2016 Opening Program

February 5th (Fri), (Mo), 3:30PM Academic orientation, Bethlen Gábor tér 2.
February 5th (Fri), 5 PM   Welcome Party, Bethlen Gábor tér 2.

Academic Calendar

First day of classes February 8 (Mo)
Classes start that day at 10:15 am
Registration deadline February 25 (Th) Noon
Feedback session February 25 (Th) 4 pm
Last day of classes May 20th (Fr)
Final exams May 23-25 (Mo-We)
Grade report sheets handed out May 26(Th)
Official holidays
(no classes):
March 14 and 15 (resulting in a long weekend March 12-15);
March 21-28 Spring break
May 16 (resulting in a long weekend May 14-16)

In exchange for March 14th Monday, Saturday, March 5th is a workday with a Monday schedule.

Notes on Course Offerings

We have a high number of students this semester (about 60 students are expected), so we will offer all the "customary" courses, with the popular ones, such as introductory combinatorics in two different, parallel versions if needed, and several further optional math courses as a reading course. The usual history course, Hungarian language courses (elementary, and intermediate), a course on Hungarian culture, and two other non-math courses, a Mathematical Philosophy as well as a course on film analysis will also be offered.

While 90% of our course offers are fixed, we also have some brand new or sporadically offered courses each semester. This Spring you have the rare opportunity to study Commutative Algebra. For advanced students there will be two courses cross listed with ELTE University offered on their campus.

In addition, there is a great opportunity to take courses offered by the "Budapest Semesters in Mathematics Education" program -- as these will provide you with a uniquely Hungarian experience. This separate program offers courses that are based on the high reputation of Hungarian mathematics teaching and nurturing talented high school students. See their course offerings here. (Note however that you should check with your home institution to see how their courses fit in with your major and other rules.)

We also mention here that there are courses given by the Budapest branch of McDaniel College which you may wish to attend (without credit). These courses are held in the same building where we have the BSM classes but we cannot take care of scheduling conflicts; you will be able to audit these courses only if you do not have a BSM course at the same time. Again, these courses do not come with a BSM credit, unless special arrangements are made. In case you wish to attend any of them (even without credits), please contact or Dezsô Miklós or Ágnes Szilárd, the Hungarian directors of the program. If you need a credit for those courses, you need (and will get) the permission of the local McDaniel office, but you should also check with your home institution if they accept them.
Please note that you may not be able to take some of these courses due to the limit on the number of students in a class (since McDaniel College naturally will admit their own students first).

More details on course offerings as well as a full course list with descriptions will be posted by January 25th.
