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Combinatorial Optimization
Dr. Tibor JORDAN
Familiarity with the basics of graph theory and linear algebra is useful.
classnotes, handouts, and A. Schrijver, A course in combinatorial optimization (2009)
Course description:
Topics covered:
Exploring a graph: breadth-first search (BFS), depth-first search (DFS), and their applications
Shortest path algorithms in digraphs (Dijkstra, Bellman-Ford)
Minimum length spanning trees - the greedy algorithm
Minimum cost arborescence algorithm
Eulerian graphs and digraphs, orientations of graphs and mixed graphs
Matchings in bipartite graphs - theorems of K?onig and Hall
Maximum cardinality and maximum weight matching algorithms in bipartite graphs
Edge colorings, timetables, another theorem of K?onig
Menger's theorem, Network flows, Max-flow Min-cut theorem
Flow algorithms by Ford and Fulkerson, and by Edmonds and Karp; Minimum cost flows
The assignment problem and the transportation problem
Circulations, Hoffman's theorem
Matchings in general graphs - Tutte's theorem, the Tutte-Berge formula
Maximum cardinality matching algorithm in general graphs
Computing the edge-connectivity of graphs
Flow- and Cut-equivalent trees
Chordal graphs, maximum weight stable sets in chordal graphs
Approximation algorithms - the traveling salesman problem, the Steiner tree problem
Minimum multiway cut, minimum k-cut, multicut in trees
Facility location problems
Basics of Linear Programming
Dynamic Programming techniques
Scheduling problems on parallel machines