This compulsory course, offered by ELTE University (in the BSM building), is designed to enhance your mathematical academic writing skills, with a particular focus on writing proofs. The curriculum is tailored to your individual proficiency level and offers an opportunity to engage deeply with a specific mathematical problem, fostering a comprehensive understanding and practical application of the subject.
To achieve these goals, you will work one-on-one with a Teaching Assistant (TA) under the supervision of the Course Coordinators. The TAs, who are PhD students from ELTE University and the Technical University, will guide you in producing a mathematical document (a short term paper) in LaTeX. The specific topic and scope of the paper will be determined in collaboration with your TA and in consultation with the Course Coordinators.
Each TA is responsible for specific courses and will hold three types of office hours:
The course itself is divided into three stages:
Stage 1: Finding Your TA Mentor (Weeks 1–3, Mandatory)
The goal of the first period is for each BSM student to be matched with a TA mentor by the end of week 3. To that end TA's will have Course-Specific Group Sessions in addition to Open Office Hours.
During this phase, students will work closely with their TA mentors in Dedicated Mentorship Hours, at least for 30 minutes weekly,
to develop their Term Paper.
The final version of the paper, must be submitted by the end of Week 7.
Students who are motivated and wish to continue their work may opt to engage in an advanced directed reading project with their TA. To participate, the TA-student pair must submit a brief project proposal for approval by the Course Coordinators. Depending on the quality and depth of the final project, outstanding papers may be included in the public BSM Repository.