Syllabi of classes offered by BSM

CLA Classical Algebra Csaba SZABÓ and Péter HERMANN NON CREDIT
CPS Competition (such as Putnam) preparation seminar Péter Pál PACH NON CREDIT
HUP Hungarian + Anna Fóti NON CREDIT

AL1 Introduction to Abstract Algebra Áron BERECZKY
AAL Advanced Abstract Algebra Péter HERMANN
ANT Topics in Analysis Bence BORDA
ALT Algebraic topology Boldizsár KALMÁR
BIO Combinatorial and computational aspects of bioinformatics István MIKLÓS reading
CLX Complex Functions Gergely HARCOS
CO1.A Combinatorics 1 Dezső MIKLÓS
CO1.B Combinatorics 1 Attila SALI
CO2 Combinatorics of Finite Sets András GYÁRFÁS
COP Combinatorial Optimization Tibor JORDÁN
C&P Conjecture and Proof Róbert FREUD
DIG Differential Geometry Balázs CSIKÓS
EGR Extremal Graph Theory Ervin GYÔRI
FUN Functional Analysis  Máté MATOLCSI
FAN Fourier Analysis Árpád TÓTH
GAL Galois Theory Mátyás DOMOKOS
GMT Game Theory  Patroklos BENATOS
GRT Graph Theory  Gábor SIMONYI
ILG Introduction to Lie groups Szilárd SZABÓ reading
LOG Mathematical Logic Miklós ERDÉLYI SZABÓ reading
MAP Quantum Information and Quantum Computation Mihály WEINER
MCR Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography Péter MAGA
MCG Modern Convex Geometry Gergely AMBRUS reading
MPS Mathematical Problem Solving Sándor DOBOS
NEG Non-Euclidean Geometries Gábor MOUSSONG
NU1 Introduction to Number Theory Csaba SZABÓ
NUT Topics in Number Theory — Additive Combinatorics Antal BALOG
PRO Probability Theory Péter BÁLINT
RFM Real Functions and Measures Péter SIMON
SET Set Theory Lajos SOUKUP
STE Statistics through examples Adam TIMAR reading
THC Theory of Computing Gyula Y. KATONA
TOP Introduction to Topology Ágnes SZILÁRD
RES Research Opportunities                          
AGT Advanced Topics in Graph Theory László LOVÁSZ cross-listed1 with ELTE University2
CMA Commutative Algebra Péter FRENKEL cross-listed1 with ELTE University2
DDS Discrete Dynamical Systems Zoltán BUCZOLICH cross-listed1 with ELTE University2
DLP Discovery Learning: The Pósa Method Péter JUHÁSZ cross-listed1 with BSME3

  1. Mathematics classes cross listed with other institutions: BSM works closely with several other Mathematics or Mathematics related programs in Budapest. Typically we offer up to 1 or 2 classes each semester from the Eotvos University (ELTE) and/or the Central European University (CEU) and the Budapest Semesters in Mathematics Education (BSME) program.
    Taking a crosslisted class at another institution not only allows you to study a subject not offered by BSM but in addition may enhance your study-abroad experience since the classes may run completely different style as at BSM and your classmates will be from outside of BSM.
    Note that a grade you receive for a cross listed class will appear on your BSM transcript as a BSM class, with no mention of the other institution that offers it.
  2. Classes cross listed with ELTE University, Institute of Mathematics. The classes are held on their campus which is about 30 minutes from BSM.
  3. This class is cross listed with Budapest Semesters in Mathematics Education program and is held in the same building as where the BSM classes are. Exact location and time will be announced later.
    This is a true math class in problem solving, only available in Hungary! Can easily be the best class to take for a truly Hungarian study abroad experience.
    In order to encourage taking this class, this BSME class does not count towards the 5-math-course limit!

PHI Philosophy of Mathematics Kálmán CZISZTER
HMS History of Modern Science Matthew ADAMS cross-listed with McDaniel College.
HL1 Beginner Hungarian Language Erika FALLIER
HL2.A Intermediate Hungarian Language Erika FALLIER
HL2.B Intermediate Hungarian Language Katica MIKLÓSY
HUC Hungarian Art and Culture Judit BARTA
FILM Great Masters of European Film László ARATÓ cross listed with McDaniel; the syllabus will be posted later.

Click here for information on extra classes at BSME, AIT and McDaniel College