Course description: The bulk of the course is about the characterization by Galois of the polynomial equations that are solvable by radicals. The study of this theorem gives the opportunity to learn about fundamental concepts of abstract algebra together with a beautiful application to a problem of classical and elementary flavor. Galois theory arguably has its place in ones general mathematical culture. Familiarity with it is essential in certain areas of number theory, representation theory, algebraic geometry.
Topics covered:
Cubic equations, Cardano's Formula
Field extensions, algebraic elements,
degree of a field extension
Automorphisms of field extensions,
group actions
Splitting fields, normal extensions
Characteristic of a field, separable extensions
Galois extensions, its various characterizations
Galois correspondence, fundamental theorem of Galois theory, subgroup and subfield
Solvable groups, groups of small order
Galois’ theorem on solvability of equations by radicals, radical extensions, cyclo-
tomic extensions, Lagrange resolvents
Symmetric polynomials, the discriminant, quartic polynomials
Finite fields, Frobenius automorphism
Calculating the Galois group, relation to factoring polynomials
Simplicity of finite separable extensions, example of a finite degree field extension
with infinitely many intermediate fields