June 4, (TUE) | 2pm |
Practical Orientation for Babilon participants | BSM building, Bethlen Gabor ter 2, room TBA |
June 8, (SAT) | 1pm |
Optional free "living in Budapest" walk | meet in front of the BSM building, Bethlen Gabor ter 2 |
June 8, (SAT) | 3pm |
Practical Orientation for non-Babilon participants | BSM building, Bethlen Gabor ter 2, room TBA |
June 8, (SAT) | 4pm |
Academic Orientation | BSM building, Bethlen Gabor ter 2, room TBA |
June 10, (MON) | 5pm |
Welcome reception | BSM building, Bethlen Gabor ter 2, room TBA |
June 10 (MON), | | First day of classes | |
June 14, (FRI) | Noon | Registration deadline | |
July 26 (FRI), | | Drop deadline | |
Aug 2 (FRI), | | Last day of classes | |
Aug 1-2 (THU-FRI), | | Exam period | |
Aug 3 (SAT), | | Goodbye reception | time and venue TBA |